Be American Made

Celebrating American-made products and those that produce them.

Play Pits

In the modern age, as parents become increasingly conscious of the products they introduce to their children, the demand for safe and locally sourced goods has witnessed a surge. Perhaps you have not thought of it yet, but where is the deodorant made that you are giving to your children?

Say hello to Play Pits.

Play Pits was founded by Chantel Powell, a wife and working mom of 3.

After having her youngest son, Kaiden, she was diagnosed with a rare eczema condition that left her allergic to an ingredient found in almost every skin and hair care product. As a result, she became obsessed with learning about natural ingredients.

While hunting for deodorant for her older son, who was playing numerous sports at the time (anyone with a sports-playing child will know the aroma!), she was unable to find anything that was chemical-free and kid-friendly.

This led her back to her kitchen (aka The Lab) to concoct something specifically for her son.

Today, Play Pits offers up a number of products for both kids and adults.

Thir mission:

Our mission is to educate parents and children about the dangerous ingredients found in popular deodorants and other household products. Play Pits strives to be a beacon of healthier solutions for all demographics and communities at an affordable price point. Play Pits is a trusted hygiene solution for the entire family - toddlers, kids, teens, parents, and of course athletes everywhere!

We love it.

Another idea brought to fruition by an enterprising Mom and her desire to create better products. Not only for her own family but for all of us as well!

Company: Play Pits
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