Package Right
Every so often we stumble across a company that does something we would never have thought of. That is the case today with Package Right.
Package Right is a manufacture that produces jigsaw puzzles and board games for other companies. Have a great idea for a jigsaw puzzle but you aren’t sure how to get them produced? Talk to Package Right and chances are they will have you covered.
Whether you are a massive company or just someone starting out, Package Right has services to get you up and running and making sales.

Their FAQ does a great job of explaining why you benefit from American Manufacturing. For instance:
Working with an American manufacturer like Package Right helps you avoid extra costs like tariffs, extra space in shipping containers and having to warehouse an abundance of product. It also comes with the added benefits of shorter lead times and knowing you’re supporting US workers in the US economy.
However, we did wonder, does Package Right produce their own line of puzzles and board games? Wouldn’t that be an issue for their partners?
No. Some of our manufacturing competitors compete with their customers in the marketplace with secret brand name products. This leads to doubt. Ask yourself, “If I work with them, how secret are my ideas really? If they get busy, will my products be made first? How safe is my customer list?” We build our business partnerships on trust and reliability. Because of this, it’s important we never see our customers as competitors. We have never and will never have our own product line.
This really is the best of everything. An American company employing American Workers to product high quality products for other American Companies.
Everyone wins!