All American Clothing Co
One of the best ways to support American workers and American companies is to simply dress for it.
And by that we mean: wear clothing that is Made in America.
All American Clothing Co creates a full ensemble of clothing and accessories for mean and women. All Made in America.
Our mission is to support USA families and jobs by producing high-quality clothing in the USA at an affordable price. By keeping our production in the USA we provide jobs and a tax base that supports our communities.
That is somethign we can get behind and we hope you will too.

All American Clothing Co was founded in 2002 by Lawson Nickol, and the Nickol family is still involved today.
You can learn a bit about the company here.
Not only does the company employ Americans and truly push for American Manufacturing, they also offer up a $1,000 scholarship for a college student each year. How does the student win? By writing the best essay discussing the topic: “How do you think buying products made locally can positively impact our country?”
We love this!

We all need clothing. It’s something we use every single day. All American Clothing Co gives us the opportunity to support American workers every time we get dressed.
You’ll find:
Everything you need for your day-to-day.