Be American Made

Celebrating American-made products and those that produce them.

Native American Coffee

2023-04-27 Beverage Food
There can truly be nothing more American than a Native American. There may be no coffee more American than that produced by the Native American Coffee company. Native American Coffee is owned by Native Americans and the coffee is roasted by Native Americans. We are proud of our heritage and the land we travel. The company is owned and operated by Bill McClure, a proud Muscogee Nation Citizen. Obviously, we love coffee. Continue reading

General Pencil Company

2023-04-26 Art Materials Tools
For those of us that like to doodle now and then, or simply write on paper, there is nothing quite like a real quality pencil. It’s easy to tell when you have found one. It just feels right in your hand and allows you to use it as though it is an extension of your hand. The General Pencil Company has been hand-crafting pencils from a factory in Jersey City, NJ for over 130 years. Continue reading


Every so often we stumble across a company that is solving a problem we hadn’t really thought about. Once such company is Lacuesa who makes hand-stitched wallets from deer hides. So what is the part we hadn’t thought about? What happens to the deer hides of most deer after they have been harvested by a hunter? Usually they are left to become one with the Earth. What Lacuesa does is use those hides to produce beautiful hand-stitched leather wallets. Continue reading

United States Mask

Remember a few years back when everyone was looking to purchase masks? Everyone had to wear one everywhere? Yeah, we remember that too. For us, we made it a point to only purchase masks that are Made in America. It just made sense. Lucky for all of us, United States Mask exists to create American Made N95 masks for first responders and any of us looking for a quality mask. Continue reading

HHA Sports

Yes, another archery company! What can we say, we really like archery. Plus, there are some great American companies producing great archery products. Such as: HHA Sports HHA Sports is based in Wisconsin and sources the majority of their materials locally. If something is not available locally they will venture a bit further away, but still within the United States. If you are looking for a quality movable bow site, HHA Sports has a few different options. Continue reading


2023-04-19 Tools Utility
It seems that when someone is talking about a ‘multi-tool’ they just naturally refer to it as a Leatherman. Why is that? Because Tim Leatherman created the first pliers-based multi-tool over 37 years ago and the company has been producing them ever since! The story is one we have seen before: an individual has a real need for something so they take it on to create a solution. While on a budget trip to Europe in 1975, Tim Leatherman and his wife Chau constantly came across leaky hotel plumbing and road-side fixes for their cranky Fiat. Continue reading


2023-04-18 Hunting Outdoors
Whether you are a backcountry hunter or a visitor to a park, being able to easily see what you are looking for while also having the ability to capture it in photo and video is imperative. Magview creates American Made products that will allow you to do just that. For those of you using a spotting scope they offer the S1 Spotting Scope Adapter. This allows you to afix your phone to the spotting scope without the need for anything other than a magnet attached to your phone case. Continue reading


In terms of firearms, there may be no more ‘American’ rifle than the Ruger American. It’s literally called: American. Can’t get any more straight forward than that! The rifle is produced by Ruger, an American firearms manufacturer that was founded in 1949 by Alexander Sturm and William Ruger. Alongside the Ruger American the company makes a full suite of firearms. Pistols, revolvers and rifles. In America. Whether you are a hard-core competition shooter, a hunter looking to feed your family or simply someone wanting to protect your family at home, Ruger will absolutely have a product for you. Continue reading

Tescor Products

2023-04-13 Security Utility
Tescor Products was born from Oak Industries in 1980 and has been producing American Made strobe lights that entire time! Now based in Texas, we continue to provide our customers with superior products and service. Our products are used the world over. Tescor Products specializes in strobe lights, producing two main versions: the Model 200 Low Profile Strobe Light and the Model 400 Strobe Light. As the name suggests, the Model 400 is a bit larger than the low profile Model 200. Continue reading

Tommy Gate

Tommy Gate has been manufacturing American Made liftgates from their facility in Woodbine, Iowa since 1965. The company was founded by Delbert “Bus” Brown who designed and constructed the original Tommy Gate Hydraulic Lift. The lift name came from the name of his son. The company still uses the original factory in Iowa, however it has expanded to cover more than 200,000 square feet in current form. Woodbine Manufacturing Company is one-hundred percent family-owned and operated, and has been since its inception. Continue reading
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